Reforestation Project
As we approach the 30 year anniversary of Foothill Ranch, the Board is excited to announce its reforestation project. Much work, research, and time have gone into this project, and the volunteers on the Landscape Committee have been invaluable in seeing it through.
Trees are crucial assets for all of us-- we notice them as we walk, or bike, or drive—and their health and vibrancy reflect the health and vibrancy of our community. Since many of the trees currently standing in Foothill Ranch were planted long ago, some are approaching the end of their lifespan, while others are compromised by disease or damage.
The Board and the Landscape Committee have been working with arborists and specialists in the landscaping field and have now completed an inventory of our trees and created a common area tree and plant palette to incorporate into the designs for the landscaping within the community. Numerous competing factors needed to be (carefully) considered, and we now have an organized plan to upgrade the vegetation. As we begin 2021, look forward to welcoming the new trees that will grace our community for years to come.
Before Photos
Tree Trimming
Tree Trimming
The common area trees are trimmed on a regularly scheduled basis with the pines, oaks, eucalyptus, pepper, and other trees on alternating years based on our arborists' recommendations. Our landscaping contractor, O'Connell, has crews working on the Bake and the Alton side during the scheduled tree trimming, and they do their best to minimize noise, intrusion and debris during the process. We understand many homeowners may be working from home and recognize tree trimming is noisy. The crews work quickly on an area, then move onto the next. If there are any questions on the tree trimming process, please contact Management. Thank you for your understanding.
Common Area Vegetation and Tree Policy
In January 2021, the Board approved a new common area vegetation and tree policy. The policy establishes a formal process for homeowners to request that the Board review and consider the removal of trees, the planting of new trees, or the trimming of trees outside of the regular maintenance cycle. The Board will review all common area tree trimming, removal or planting requests on a case-by-case-basis in order to balance an owner’s desire to improve a view, while preserving the aesthetics of the community and the privacy that the common area trees provide to other properties.